The Administration App and its Home page

The Administration App is where you configure a Administration instance's Compliance Engine (Logistics Server). You can do initial onboarding, and create and manage locations, users, carriers, accounts, profiles, permissions and outputs - essentially everything needed to ship. It is also where you manage email settings, reference data, cartonization, billing codes, and all the settings and options available for customization. See Open the Administration App, if you need to know how to gain access.

Throughout the Administration App, anything with an asterisk (*) against it is a mandatory field. The App will also guide you with messages where required; therefore, this documentation covers the structure and purpose of the Administration App, not the detail of every field and option. Only key details and not so obvious tasks are covered. So whilst we don't cover the step by step process of adding a location, we do point out where to do it and list key aspects, such as importing users.

Home and Setup my System

The Administration App includes the Setup My System wizard to quickly get new installations up and running, and to onboard selected carriers. This is always present on the Home page, and is a quick and simple way to use the Administration App. It doesn't cover everything (for example, profiles are optional so excluded), and everything it does can be done using the App pages directly. Setup My System uses the normal Administration App user interface, so it is a good way to introduce yourself to the Administration App and its capabilities. See Use Setup My System.


Locations are where items get shipped from (technically, where Logistics Server users are). It can be one location, or many. Locations belong to organizations, and both must be configured before users can be created or carriers onboarded. Hence, it is the first step in Setup My System, and the next page after Home. The Locations page is where you manage all the detail about locations and organizations. See Locations.


Users can have profiles. Profiles hold basic information, such as timezone, localization and location, and they dictate what users with that profile can do - their permissions. You have permissions settings for Apps, carriers and outputs (documents and labels). You can have as many or as few profiles as required. The Profiles page is where you manage all this detail. See Profiles.


The Users page is where you create and manage all your Logistics Server users. This includes their basic details, their profile, and any permissions you want to set at the user level. You can create users manually, by cloning, or by import from a CSV file. If you need to resend a user's password, this is where you do it. See Users.


The Carriers page is where you configure the carriers you use, and your accounts with them. If you don't want to use Setup My System to onboard carriers, you can do it manually here. See Carriers.


Outputs are the various documents and labels required to ship. The Outputs page is where you add and maintain outputs, printers and thermal options. See Outputs.


The Data page is where you can view and manage reference data such as number ranges, billing codes, customization options, email settings, and cartonization settings. It also includes Task Scheduler. See Data.

Import data from Shipment Server

This is only relevant to users with existing Shipment Server installations that they want to transition to Logistics Server.

When Transtream is installed, you specify its Compliance Engine. By default, this is a new Logistics Server, although it can be an existing Logistics Server. To assist with transitioning, you can import data from an existing Shipment Server into your Logistics Server. See Import data from Shipment Server.

Article last edited 18 March 2020