Install Transtream

This content covers installing Transtream on a server. It takes you through requirements, getting and running Transtream Setup, configuring the server, Transtream instance, HubCapp instance (for local printers, scales and data sources), and running the install. It ends with some guidance on configuring your newly installed instance, and next steps. Throughout, links are provided to more detailed content, such as fuller descriptions on all the settings you will see in Transtream Setup.

If you have been given a tenant (Cloud instance), much of the installation has been done for you. See Set up a tenant for what is left to do.


For detailed information, see Transtream requirements, or click HERE for a an overview of requirements per role.

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11, or Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022.
  • Microsoft SQL Server® 2016 onwards.
  • .NET 4.7.2.
  • .NET Core hosting bundle 2.2.8.
  • PowerShell 5.1 or above
  • Cloud credentials supplied by your vendor. On first installs, you are prompted to enter these credentials as soon as you open Transtream Setup.
  • A license token to install Transtream. This is supplied by your vendor.
  • Details of the Pierbridge identity provider (IdP) used for the instance.
  • If you require HubCapp, a license token. This is supplied by your vendor.
  • If you proceed to setting up users for the newly installed instance, and want Transtream to send them emails, details of the SMTP email service to use. This is optional (you can set up users without email being configured).

As Transtream only uses Microsoft technology, macOS is not supported.

Article last edited 3 October 2022