
Transtream provides the user the option to configure an instance with one of the following user authentication modes:

  • Internal IdP authentication. Internal IdP authentication stores credentials in the database. Credentials are entered on the login page, and are matched against the database to grant or deny access. Internal IdP authentication is the default mode, and it is always the mode used for Designer and Product Admin URLs. There is no additional setup required to operate with this mode, but see Internal IdP authentication for details of Administration App settings that can affect Internal IdP authentication based login.
  • OIDC authentication allows users to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end-users. All required detail is configured via the Authenitcation tab of Product Admin. See OIDC for detail.
  • SAML 2.0. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML based data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an Identify Provider and a Service Provider (the Transtream instance). All required detail is configured via the SAML tab of Product Admin. See SAML for detail.

Set Authentication Mode for an Instance

The authentication method used by Transtream is configurable via the Authentication tab. A menu has been added at the top of the authentication settings page with the option to toggle between three authentication methods and add the necessary detail, these are: Internal IdP, OIDC and SAML. Note, if SAML is initially configured and a user switches to the OIDC tab and saves the new configuration detail then the SAML configuration details will be deleted. Current functionality supports configuring just one authentication method.

Article last edited 2 November 2022