Address Book Format

Downloads includes an example.

To be valid, a CSV import file must include the following database columns as file headers in any order:

Database Name Data Type Nullable?
CustomerReference string(100) Yes
AttentionTo string(100) Yes
Organization string(100) Yes
Address1 string(200) No
Address2 string(200) Yes
Address3 string(200) Yes
City string(50) No
Region string(50) Yes
PostalCode string(50) Yes
Country string(50) No
Phone string(50) Yes
AlternatePhone string(50) Yes
Email string(100) Yes
Notes string(200) Yes
Residential boolean (true/false) Yes
DUNS string(200) Yes
LocationIdentifier string(200) Yes
ExternalContactId string(200) Yes
OutputItemPath string(200) Yes
AddressValidated boolean (true/false) Yes
UserName string(200) Yes

Not all columns are mandatory. Leave an empty space (,,) for any not required in a row.

The Address Book CSV file is case insensitive, and will accept numerous variations of values, such as True, true, Y, y, Null, etc.

On encountering a duplicate, provided the user opted to remove duplicates and UserName is valid, the existing row is overwritten. Otherwise a new contact is added.

Article last edited 24 March 2017