Tab Container

This is an area that can contain multiple tabs (or just one).

Type can be:

  • Normal. This type is used throughout the Warehouse App. Use the and buttons to add and remove tabs. Once you have tabs, you can place controls on them. If the number of tabs extends beyond the right hand bounds of their Tab Container, you get a button to select the hidden tabs.

  • Workflow. Tabs that the user must progress through in order. This applies a different CSS class tabcontainer-workflow.

In Properties, click the icon next to Tabs to rename tabs, change their order, and delete specific tabs. You can also designate one tab as the default tab. This is the tab that will be shown on opening the page. If no default is set, the first tab is used as the default. You can also mark tabs as Admin Only, meaning only users with the Role of Admin can see it.

Article last edited 20 February 2017