Set up Deluxe Delivery Systems (DDS)

Deluxe Delivery Systems is a regional carrier offering single and multipack shipments.


  • Deluxe Delivery Systems Account Number
  • Shipping Key
  • Security Credentials Username and Password
Setup My System is available for DDS. What follows covers the manual setup.

Enable the Deluxe Delivery Systems Carrier

  1. In the Administration App, click Deluxe Delivery Systems.
  2. In the list of carriers, double-click Deluxe Delivery Systems.
  3. Select Enable, and ensure Display in Carrier Selection Controls is selected.
  4. Click Security Credentials, complete the detail, and click ADD NEW. If successful, a row is added. Click SAVE & CLOSE.

Add the Account

  1. Click Accounts, and click + ADD ACCOUNT.
  2. Enter an Account Name.
  3. Enter your Account Number.
  4. In the Carrier list, select Deluxe Delivery Systems.
  5. Under Shipping Keys for Account, complete the detail, and click ADD NEW. If successful, a row is added. Click SAVE & CLOSE.

Add Carrier Permissions

  1. Click Carrier Permissions, and click + ADD CARRIER PERMISSION.
  2. In the Carrier list, select Deluxe Delivery Systems.
  3. In the Security Credentials, Shipping Key and Account lists, select the ones you added for Deluxe Delivery Systems.
  4. Under Permissions, select who can use this carrier and account, and click SAVE & CLOSE.

Set up Labels

  1. Click Outputs, and select + ADD LABEL.
  2. Complete the configuration, and click SAVE & CLOSE.

Deluxe Delivery Systems Reference lists the output types.

Article last edited 27 January 2017